Wednesday, 30 September 2009
In which we all go zlightly Zetti

Tuesday, 29 September 2009
Marilyn fulfills a dream

Done in PSP. Credit to Playingwithbrushes on Flickr. for the background (somewhat altered by me) and to Itkupilli for all the other elements. Font is 'Circus Dog'

Monday, 28 September 2009
Mona gets ready to party
Mona decides that after some 500 years it is about time she showed her legs!
Credits to Itkupilli, Spark Your Imagination, Pixel Music, and Google for her handbag.
Font is Spahrty Girl.

Friday, 25 September 2009
Pigs Might Fly
Done in PSP with a background from Laurie Bavin's 'Seriously Steampunk', brass button from Maya's 'Steampunk Collection', flying pig from Pixel Music and flying helmet googled.

Wednesday, 23 September 2009
Split Personality
Inspired by Itkupilli's 'Marilyn Antoinette' I created a portrait of the previously unknown seventh wife of Henry VIII 'Mona of Cleves' ; and what better place to give her her first public appearance but this challenge.
Here she is

Monday, 21 September 2009
The Stealer of Time
This really was a stealer of time as, just as I'd finished it, I deleted my first effort completely and had to start again from scratch!
Done entirely in PSP all the metal is digital so I hope it qualifies.
I used a background and elements from Maya's 'Steampunk Collection' and hands from Tangie Baxter's 'Ultimate ArtDoll Kit', both at Scrapbookgraphics.com ; and other elements from 'Seriously Steampunk' by Laurie Bavin at digitalscrapbookplace.com . The face is by me and the trainers were googled and made golden by me too. Font is 'Blackadder ITC'

Sunday, 20 September 2009
The Fortune Teller
Done in PSP; background image googled and altered, gipsy and girl from Suzee Que on Flickr. Fot is 'Fontdinercom Loungy'

Saturday, 19 September 2009
Who says you can't teach a cat to do tricks?

Thursday, 17 September 2009
Sidney learns the value of money
George & Arthur decide to teach Sidney a thing or two.
Done in PSP . Image Credits: frannie60(frame), Suzee Que(ballerina photo), valeriana Solaris (theater figures), Laineys Repertoire("now you can learn to"), jerseybarb85 ("Admission" and "20 Cents"), a few images from playingwithbrushes, paperscraps,"T" altered art and nyctreeman

Wednesday, 16 September 2009
Mildred Reminisces

Mildred takes the spotlight in reflective mood for this week's challenge at Three Muses.
Done in PSP. Images googled, background made by me, and fonts 'circus dog', 'Nasty', 'Moksha', and 'Selfish'.
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
Just for a change

This is a real card made for my niece's wedding anniversary.
I used a the 'Cat Love' stamp from Mo's Digital Pencil, coloured it with Promarkers, mounted it on a backing paper from Joanna Sheen and embellished it with adhesive pearls by Kanban and a little heart charm and ribbon from my stash.
Sunday, 13 September 2009
Not Mr.Right!
Friday, 11 September 2009
Adeline's Hat

For the challenges at Crazy Amigo and at Theme Thursday
A digital ATC using a background and image from Terri Kahrs at Pringle Hill Studios.
Euphemia Misbehaves.

For challenge #40 at Art Creations Friday.
Using a fantastic image from Pepeetje.
Done in PSP, background courtesy of Google, font 'Selfish'.
Wednesday, 9 September 2009
George & Arthur try something different!

For the Three Muses Challenge this week.
George & Arthur were keen to have a go at moon travel but Aunt Mildred insisted on keeping Sidney at home with her.
Using elements from Lauren Bavin's 'Seriously Steampunk', Pixel Music, and Wikimedia Commons.
Font is 'Della Robbia'
Tuesday, 8 September 2009

For challenge 39 at Art Creations Friday.
Done in PSP using an image given us by Hermine which she got from 'Take a Break' at Flickr. The background, the boat, and the toy bird are from Kubivet and the seagull was googled.
Aunt Mildred's Little Secret!

Made for the week # 51 challenge at Collage Play with Crowabout .
Done in PSP with a background from Playingwithbrushes on Flickr and elements from Crowabout, Library of Congress and Efie's Blog. Font is 'A Lolita Scorned'.
Saturday, 5 September 2009
Three Little Owls
Friday, 4 September 2009

For the challenge at TGIF.
Done in PSP .Credits to Kubivet for the background and Tangie Baxter at Scrapbookgraphics.com for 'The Ultimate Art Doll Kit'. Fonts used 'Yesternight', 'Sprocket BT' and 'Churchwarden Maori'.
Wednesday, 2 September 2009
George gets it wrong!

My entry for the Three Muses challenge this week.
George has definitely got it wrong this week and, although Arthur is quite amused, Aunt Mildred is highly embarassed!
Created in PSP with Chaplin image googled and main photo from The Library of Congress. Fonts used are 'Nasty', 'Selfish', and '2 peas crazy pooch'.
Tuesday, 1 September 2009
Don't Steal

Made for Martha Jorgenson of Tumble Fish Studio's 'Stop Art Piracy Campaign' on Flickr.
Credits to Kubivet for the background and Tangie Baxter at Scrapbookgraphics.com for 'The Ultimate Art Doll Kit'. Font is RansomNote.
You MAY copy this image for the sole purpose of displaying on your blog or website IF it is linked back to this flickr group www.flickr.com/groups/stopartpiracycampaign You may NOT use any piece of this image for your own artwork or any other publication or reproduction